A resource for technical colleges,

and their students.


Video Lectures

Lectures are presented through engaging video for visual and auditory learners, complete with illustrations, images and voiceover.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality simulations on EducateWorkforce serve as online labs, where learners can go beyond the lecture to actually engage with the material.

Open Text

Robust open textbooks are provided for all EducateWorkforce courses. This traditional learning tool is a perfect compliment to the other forms of online content.

Interactive Assessments

Reinforcement of learning materials through immediate feedback as well as an instructor-led grading system are both available.

A Novel Approach

EducateWorkforce was designed by multiple instructional design, usability, and computing experts to include research-tested learning features.

Industry Backed

Curriculum has been vetted by industry partners as both accurate and pertinent to today’s advanced manufacturing occupations.

Featured Course Listings

Fundamental knowledge needed for an advanced manufacturing career.

5 Modules

Introduces students to the importance of proper equipment maintenance in the manufacturing industry, and discusses how maintenance affects the safety, quality, profitability, and reliability of a company.

5 Modules

Focuses on safety concepts important to maintaining good health in the workplace and preserving the environment to ensure the health of those outside of the workplace.

5 Modules

Focuses on basic manufacturing concepts such as the properties of engineering materials, production processes, tools and equipment used in manufacturing, and manufacturing support systems.

5 Modules

Introduces students to concepts that build the foundation of quality management in the manufacturing industry, both economically and environmentally.

Three Options for using EducateWorkforce

Individual Use

All courses on EducateWorkforce™ offer select modules which are freely available for individual use. There are also additional resources that are downloadable and free of charge within the course. These resources can include anything from fully interactive ePubs and iBooks to sample lesson plans.

Class Section Access

Interested in using an EducateWorkforce™ course for a class section? All EducateWorkforce™ courses can be configured to accommodate class sections. This configuration gives the instructor access to all modules in the course and provides helpful instructor tools such as student interaction analytics and a gradebook that supports customization and CSV export.

Custom Subsite

The custom subsite option is designed with our enterprise users in mind. Subsites allow high-volume users, such as schools and organizations, to provide our courses through a dedicated site complete with a unique web address and organizational branding. This option provides the organization flexibility to utilize one course or many–all located under a single user dashboard for ease of use–and includes all features mentioned in the Class Section Access option.

By the Numbers



covering a diverse range of subject matter.



including video, assessments and other rich content.



which create an interactive, online lab environment.